Potty Training

Learning to use the Potty is a huge milestone for little ones. Many parents find themselves wondering when is the right time to start! I have often heard people ask one another if their child is showing "interest" in the potty. The reality is very few children actually become interested and choose to use the potty on their own. Occasionally, yes, it does happen! This however is the rarity, not the norm. Think about it this way....imagine you are settling in and just got comfortable preparing to watch a movie that you have been looking forward to seeing, when you suddenly feel the need to use the bathroom before you can relax. You are not "interested" in using the bathroom, it is actually interrupting what it is that you want to do! Children feel this exact same way and then some! As adults, while the timing may be frustrating, we know that we ultimately have to get up and go to the bathroom. Your little one on the other hand has been freely going in their diaper since birth! Not only is this an interruption in the much more important task at hand of playing, but it is one that they are truly not used to. We know how to process the feeling of a full bladder, while a child in diapers never has to give it much thought. If you wait until your child is "interested" in potty training, you could be waiting for a very long time! This is one of those things that is best to address and begin on your own.

When is a good time to begin? While some children will train sooner than others and some later than others, the average age is two and a half years old. You may have a newly turned two year old who is fully capable and ready, while other children are well into being two and perhaps even approaching three. Waiting until your child is three should be avoided if at all possible. At this age it becomes much more emotional and upsetting as they have of course been in diapers for a solid three years. During the age of two is an ideal time whether you choose to start right away or wait closer to two and a half.

Approaching Potty Training well prepared is the best plan! There are many Children's Potty Training books on the market that you can read to your toddler and discuss with them. This is a great place to start! Simple books, especially ones with their favorite characters are a great way to explain to your toddler this change that is going to be taking place. Make it a point to purchase some of these books several weeks before you plan to actually begin potty training. Read them together before naptime, before bedtime, and any other time of day that you enjoy reading to your child. Making this a fun and bonding time together as it is when you read, goes a long way in making this much less scary or overwhelming for your child. During these weeks leading into potty training, find some fun toddler potty videos and songs. One of my personal favorites that is timeless and detailed is "Elmo's Potty Time" originally released in 2005. This video can be purchased or even rented on Amazon. You can also purchase a Potty Time with Elmo book that has fun buttons that make sounds for your child to explore while you read. The two together make a great learning combination! The key is to begin introducing the Potty to your child before actually having them try to use it.

A great, yet fast read for adults that I cannot recommend enough is the book "Potty Training in 3 Days" by Brandi Brucks. This no nonsense book gets right to the point, while outlining what to do and what to avoid to ensure success! I have used this method with several children in my care and I have found it to be the best! This book is easily read within 30 to 45 minutes so it nicely fits into a busy schedule for moms! The author outlines such details as NOT purchasing a toddler potty, but rather getting a toddler seat for your actual toilet. She also covers the importance of potty treats. This means having a small treat for your child every time that they successfully use the potty! This method encourages them and motivates them! Think of a very small treat as in a bit of chocolate, or 3 M&Ms. Moms have voiced concern of how long will this last? Will my child expect potty treats for months? Absolutely not! You will be surprised how quickly the treats naturally phase out, and are replaced with a child happily using the potty, and a happy mom too! It is also a good idea to have an ultimate celebration planned for when your child is officially potty trained. This can be anything you choose that your child loves, such as a day at the zoo, a day at an amusement park, a family weekend getaway. Telling your child about this special event while they are learning to use the potty is a great source of motivation. It is also very exciting and special to celebrate together and let your child know that they are now a big kid!

Expect for Potty training to be messy and exhausting, because there is no way around it, it just is! Remember that it is just a short period for a long term goal! If you choose to follow the above books method, you will have your child wearing underwear immediately. This is to ensure that if they have an accident they are aware of it and begin to understand what it feels like so that they WANT to go to the potty. It is for this reason that it is suggested to spend these potty training days just at home so that the whole focus is on using the potty. Keep your child hydrated and partaking in nutritional foods to avoid stomach or digestive issues. Clap for your child! Get excited and make a big deal out of every successful potty trip! Encourage them to keep trying and remind them that they are learning a new skill and accidents happen and that is ok! It is so important to remain positive and patient as they face this exciting milestone. One thing that I have always done is have favorite books in the bathroom to read to the child while they sit on the potty. This makes the whole process more fun and laid back! By reading and engaging your child in favorite books they are less focused on "going" which makes it happen much more naturally because they are not feeling stressed and pressured. Choose fun books! One of my favorites that has been a big hit with many little ones during potty training is Dr. Seuss's Green Eggs and Ham. It is a good length, and it is a fun read! Find what works for you and your little one.

Remember, Pull-ups are just diapers without the tape! It is advised that they are used for naptime and bedtime only, and not to be worn during the day as this can create confusion and send a mixed message to your child. By putting your child in underwear you will keep the pace of things moving forward while avoiding regressions. Yes, after the initial few days when you begin going places again it can become stressful for you to have to run them to the nearest potty, but it is so worth it in the long run. Before you know it they will have more control and be able to ask to go to the potty and calmly make it there. Sure, there will be some accidents along the way, so simply pack extra underwear and a change of clothes. I promise you, both you and your child will feel lighter and happier when you ditch the diapers! Make it a habit to use the Potty before leaving the house,and upon returning, quite like us adults tend to do. A quick tip during the first several weeks is to remind your child every 45 minutes or so that it is potty time, take a break from what you are doing, and take them to the potty.

Take a deep breath and know that this milestone can and will be achieved successfully! You've got this!


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